BP Movie Journal 2/26/15

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7 Responses

  1. Xibalba says:

    I’ve been mostly rewatching old favourites this week, but mananaged to catch a couple newbies

    Old Favourites –
    The Rock-afire Explosion (#2 all time fave doc)
    Special When Lit (Pinball doc)
    The King Of Kong (#5 all time fave doc)
    Tetris Masters:Ecstasy Of Order (Tetris doc)

    Newbies –
    Selma (really enjoyed especially use of footage near the end)
    Kung Fu Elliot (doc about an amateur filmmaker’s dream to becoming Canada’s first martial art’s superstar. Super enjoyed and goes in some very strange places come the end)

  2. Philip says:

    Would it be possible to get a full list of the movies y’all discuss in these posts? Often I’ll hear you guys talk about a movie, and then by the time I’m out of the car, I’ve forgotten what it’s called.

  3. Jeff Schroeck says:

    Agnes Varda’s “Vagabond” is an example of a good, meaningful use of beginning with the ending. By removing the suspense of whether or not she is going to make it, you are more free to explore the world she is in and consider why she is making those choices.

    Also, that’s great to hear two more mostly positive reactions to the Parks & Recreation finale. It was the best way to end a show that chose to be goofy and non-cynical as well as funny and touching.

  4. Chris Mosher says:

    Now that the Oscar winners are showing up on on Itunes have been finally watching the movies from last year i missed. This week was Whiplash next is Boardman. Also saw Life Partners, its a movie I would not have seen it if not for the show’s recommendation so thanks for that one.

  5. Marko says:

    Is Kingsman the movie that David mentioned a few weeks ago as seeing but unable to talk because he was under embargo? The one that he referred to as being “better than you would think it would be”?

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