Episode 636: Unconventional Casting

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5 Responses

  1. FictionIsntReal says:

    I only know Pattinson from Good Time, which was great, but I don’t begrudge him taking a larger paycheck know. I was happy for Abigail Spencer & Clayne Crawford from Rectify when they moved onto broadcast series (both of which got cancelled). He can still do good stuff afterward, just as Joaquin Phoenix surely will after his Joker movie.

    It wasn’t just guys who despised Twilight. I remember when the first Hunger Games movie (still the only one I’ve seen) premiered, the wife of an old friend of mine invited a bunch of people for a viewing party. During the previews, there was an ad for a book, which is unusual in itself, and in this case it was for Stephanie Meyers’ “The Host”. She was disgusted at the assumption that fans of the Hunger Games would be into Meyers. Some women regarded Meyers’ stuff as crypto-Mormon propaganda, although I’m not sure if that was exactly her objection (as a liberal Lutheran).

    I see Netflix recommend “Girl” as a “Critically Praised Drama” and “Fantastic Foreign Film” or whatever other categories.

    I like the tradition in theater where it’s expected that any given role will have countless actors, and the actors playing roles can simply switch off (which I believe is what happened with every show of Danny Boyle’s Frankenstein). Someone made the argument that we should grant theatrical casting greater leeway, both because certain troupes won’t have access to the same range of available talent, and that the audience just can’t see the actors as well as a film with close-ups.

    I came into thinking of Casey Affleck’s casting in Gone Baby Gone as nepotism, but I also came in with low opinion of Ben Affleck. It might be my favorite movie associated with either of them now.

  2. Julius says:

    The casting of Tilda Swinton in Doctor Strange was mostly controversial because her character is Tibetan in the comics, and the background was probably changed to appease China. Marvel denies this, but screenwriter C. Robert Cargill made it pretty clear: “He originates from Tibet, so if you acknowledge that Tibet is a place and that he’s Tibetan, you risk alienating one billion people. (…) the Chinese government going, ‘Hey, you know one of the biggest film-watching countries in the world? We’re not going to show your movie because you decided to get political.’” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEpbUf8dGq0

    • bob says:

      funny enough, Dr Strange is the movie Obama decided to watch to “take his mind off things” after the election in 2016. I would assume b/c it’s not political in the slightest.

      So, not just Chinese viewers appreciate it. 🙂

  3. Battleship Pretension says:

    By the way, given the current slate of theatrical releases, you’d think that one of us would have said Will Smith as the Genie in the new ALADDIN. I was kicking myself about that immediately after we finished recording.


  4. Stein says:

    I’ve been having some issues with my usual podcast app recently, but finally solved it and I have to say I’d taken it for granted what a comfort this podcast is. The most enjoyable 90 minutes. And congratulations on the Stanley Cup.

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