Fuzzy Math, by Kyle Anderson

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3 Responses

  1. Davide Coppola (@davide_coppola) says:

    Interesting review. Masterfully read, Sir 🙂

  2. Peter says:

    Just saw the film and am glad I’m not the only one thinking along these lines.

  3. My thinking is that Anderson does take sides, that he shows us that Dodd is a charlatan, and that his wife and son are on to them. What matters more in the film, though, is how people react to a charismatic who promises happiness, health, and understanding. Dodd’s cult followers are probably made happy by surrendering their independence, so why would they entertain doubts? Dodd’s wife and son, probably like typical cult staff and family, make their living by going along. And then there is Quell, probably too demented a one-off to let us come to any conclusions about cults. I think that his character does have a character arc, sort of,in his unsuccessful try at restarting his life with the only person too young and trusting to not notice that he is dangerously crazy. On another matter, I found the colors in The Master to be fabulous, especially the scenes evoking the colors of the 1940s (e.g. the motorcycle scene). Who needs plot and story tidiness when you have such fabulous shots and painterly colors, not to mention compelling acting.

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