Tagged: virginia madsen


Monday Movie: Candyman, by David Bax

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Candyman originally ran as a Home Video Hovel review. Nothing says “prestige horror” like a score by Philip Glass. His towering, choral, staccato music is unmistakable...


I Do Movies Badly: The Prophecy

The Prophecy has a really cool premise–angels seeking an edge over other angels to win the second war in Heaven!–and some enjoyable campy performances but is a badly disjointed film (whether that’s because of its first-time director or meddling from the...


Home Video Hovel: Candyman, by David Bax

Nothing says “prestige horror” like a score by Philip Glass. His towering, choral, staccato music is unmistakable from the very beginning of Candyman. And, in retrospect, the fact that the movie is directed by Bernard Rose, whose other best known...

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