1. Alfred Hitchcock
ALFRED HITCHCOCKPSYCHO, VERTIGO, REAR WINDOW, NORTH BY NORTHWESTWhat would Alfred Hitchcock have done had he been born in a time before cinema? He seems to have been so naturally and breathtakingly skilled at telling a story through film, it’s hard to imagine him ever doing anything else with his life. He often set challenges for himself, making a film with no score (The Birds) or setting an entire film inside one apartment (Rear Window) or killing off the main character halfway through (Psycho). Perhaps he did these things because making a good movie was just too easy for him. Or maybe he did it because when he really did let himself go all out, the results were so beautifully bizarre, so deeply and movingly weird, as to threaten the fabric of reality itself. Vertigo is a strong contender for the greatest film ever made but could our relatively primitive universe survive more films like it?See the full list HERE.