2. Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman
CASABLANCA, NOTORIOUS, GASLIGHT, ANATASIA, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, JOAN OF ARC, SPEELBOUNDIngrid Bergman is the ‘kid’ in Casablanca’s famous line, “Here’s looking at you, kid”. Bergman began her career in her native Sweden both on stage and on screen before coming to Hollywood. In 1942 she starred opposite Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, her most famous film. Though she won three Academy Awards in her career and starred in many other important films she felt shackled by Casablanca a film in which she did not love her performance. Two years afterCasablanca she won her first Oscar for Best Actress in Gaslight. Bergman’s second Academy Award came from her tremendous performance in Anastasia with Bergman in the lead role. Throughout her career she partnered with Alfred Hitchcock in three films; Spellbound, Notorious, and Under Capricorn. Her life and career were sadly cut short by breast cancer but she left an impressive legacy of films easily earning her a place on his list.
She was great – in the right parts – but not one of the two best ever. No way.