24. David Cronenberg
DAVID CRONENBERGTHE FLY, A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, CRASH, VIDEODROME, EASTERN PROMISESIf there is one common thru line in the work of David Cronenberg, it would be an exploration of human frailty. We humans are deeply flawed creatures, and we are slowly falling apart. Cronenberg is fascinated with the process of our decomposition. In films like The Fly, Videodrome, and Naked Lunch, we are treated to particularly grisly images of the human body in various states of decay and metamorphosis. In films like Spider and Dead Ringers, gives us characters whose already fragile minds are quickly unraveling. In the latter phase of his career, Cronenberg seems most interested in the instability of human morality. In all cases, David Cronenberg approaches these stories with an unblinking, unrelenting curiosity. Like a child dissecting a frog, he’s not interested in the surface of things. He wants to get to the guts of his subject. Sometimes literally.
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