44. Wong Kar Wai
WONG KAR WAIIN THE MOOD FOR LOVE, CHUNGKING EXPRESS, HAPPY TOGETHER, 2046The French New Wave – the collection of directors, critics and director/critics who defined the dominant methods of interpreting film art – were largely inspired by American studio genre pictures. They took them and deconstructed them and made them a new kind of film. The Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar Wai has more in common with the French New Wave than any other film movement. He has taken the alienation themes that are so present in the American independent film movement of the 1980’s and ‘90’s drawn them in large bold letters, managing to create movies that are simultaneously more superficial and deeper than many of the ones that inspired them. Like the best filmmakers, Wong Kar Wai knows that the camera is not just the method of capturing and translating the story but has a voice of its own. Like the French New Wave directors, he tells stories in a way that couldn’t be done through any other medium.See the full list HERE.