63. Park Chan-Wook
CHAN-WOOK PARKOLDBOY, LADY VENGEANCE, SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE, THIRSTIt’d be easy to tag Park and his films as exploitative, what with their incest and tooth removal and graphic torture and unbelievably bloody vampires, were it not for the fact that he brings a similar zest and audacity to his form as he does his content. In Oldboy, he took his protagonist on a literal journey through his memory, and filmed a three-minute fight scene in one take. In the original cut of Lady Vengeance, he starts with bright, bold colors and slowly fades to pure black-and-white. Last year, he shot a thirty-minute film on entirely on the iPhone 4. With these innovations and many more, park seems as curious as his audience to see what comes next.See the full list HERE.