Blade Runner 2049: Search for Significance, by Tyler Smith

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5 Responses

  1. Michael Bailey says:

    As a fan of Blade Runner, I am pleased that this world appears to be in good hands. I desperately look for thoughtful, tense and engaging films that seem to be wholly missing from many modern productions. Terminator, Alien, even Star Trek have benefitted AND suffered both under the new aspects of modern filmmaking. Most contemporary films suffer from over-stuffed effects and NASCAR pacing. Blow something up and do it fast. I think I will enjoy a film that goes slow enough to be visually effective, thematically rich, and character empowered.

  2. Spencer says:

    So glad to see this review posted. I’ve been avoiding any trailers or even any thoughts about seeing the film until I heard from BP. Bladerunner is a sacred film for me.

    I’ll probably see it now though. I was so worried (like the rest of us) that this would be another cash-grab 80’s reboot, but you’ve put those fears to rest. I’m particularly excited about the slow pacing of Bladerunner 2049 because too many modern blockbusters move the plot along at a breakneck pace.

  3. FictionIsntReal says:

    Todd Vanderwerff described K’s role as first appearing to be a Campbellian cliche only to shift into a more noir archetype:

  4. Raymond says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed Blade Runner 2049. It’s length felt meditative, invoking Tarkovsky. I have been likening it to an experienc; more than just watching a film.

  5. Gordon Wimpress says:

    One of the big problems I have is with Wallace’s gratuitous killing of the “defective” replicants. Stupid. And what, do the male ones already have perfectly functioning sperm? It felt like unnecessary violence directed solely at women. That they are the ones who fail, and they don’t deserve to live because of it.

    Plus, his goal is that he wants to populate the world, right? Why would he kill ones that basically worked, except for the having babies part? It seemed to be in there purely for shock value. And when they go to such lengths to make him that evil, then why is he totally left out of the 3rd act? There is no consequence for his actions. So what’s the point of his character?

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