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In this episode, Tyler and David discuss judging films and filmmakers by their reputation.
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I see your “communism would work, if only we could try it” high school kids and raise you: “REAL communism has never been tried, only Leninism”
I can’t quite tell; is that something that other people say or something that you say?
Prevailing thoughts of high school philosophers circa 1998
So are you saying “REAL Communism” would work? Because I have always thought any form of Communism fails because you can never avoid the “Free-Loader system” in a Communist society. It is inherently unfair the minute you recognize that to “game the system” all you need to do is do nothing.
Thanks for all the love for the writers this episode. Very proud to be associated with this brand.
You guys bring up a great point. Please do a podcast regarding Criterion Collection you think is not worthy of “Criterion”.
I wanted to see Fat Girl for a while and finally did last week. This is not a good film in my humble opinion.