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2 Responses

  1. Rick Vance says:

    Have you guys seen We’re Back? The way the villain is ‘removed’ from the film in that movie is still stuck directly into my brain in how ambiguous and unnerving it is.

    What happens? I still don’t know and it still terrifies me.

  2. Vulpix says:

    Oh good, this episode gives me an excuse to tell my Pinnochio story.

    A couple of years ago, my fiancé and I were having a conversation about the movies that scared us as kids. I brought up Pinnochio, and she responded with total incredulity. She insisted that there was no way anyone could find such a harmless film scary.

    A couple of days later, I heard Tyler on the show discussing his own terrifying experience with the donkey transformation sequence in Pinnochio. He did a wonderful job of describing his terror–“horrifying” is the word he used, as I recall–and I immediately knew I had to share that story with my fiancé.

    Well, I did just that. I made her listen to Tyler’s story. She seemed surprised at first, but finally she admitted that perhaps the film was indeed scarier than she realized.

    Thank you, Battleship Pretension, for helping my fiancé understand that I am not alone in finding Disney’s portrayal of homosapien-to-equidae metamorphasis utterly horrifying.

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