In this episode, Tyler and David are joined by comedian and world traveler Mike Siegel to discuss movies that capture the essence of their setting.

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8 Responses

  1. bill r. says:

    Can I ask why you guys haven’t done an episode about THE MASTER? And are you planning one on LINCOLN? I’m don’t mean this as a complaint, but rather as a hopeful query. Thank you and good day.

  2. Battleship Pretension says:

    Episodes devoted to a single film aren’t generally something we do, with the exception of Christopher Nolan films, which is a fun thing we get to do with Pat Francis.

    – David

    • bill r. says:

      Well, fine. On another topic entirely, maybe you guys should do an episode focused on the topic of THE MASTER and LINCOLN and how good or bad you think they are. It could be called STEVEN SPIELBERG AND PAUL THOMAS ANDERSON: THE MOVIES THEY RELEASED THIS YEAR.

  3. antho42 says:

    My picks:
    Wings of Desire– Berlin during the end of the Cold War.
    In Bruges– Bruges
    Trainspotting — Scotland
    Lost in Translation– Tokyo
    Chungking Express — Hong Kong

    • Davide Perretta says:

      I love those picks I was actually gonna mention some of those!

      I really liked this episode and I agree, nobody shoots Italy like Fellini. And he can show different sides of the same city. Also Antonioni makes Milano look really beautiful, even the industrial part, his movies are just stunning.

      About Vegas (not that I’ve been there), but I like Showgirls (1995) 😉 and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) very much feels like being out there in space 😀

  4. Sarah Brinks says:

    Wow Tyler, sorry Boston aired its dirty laundry in front of you! I was SO glad I didn’t see Gone Baby Gone before I moved here. The suburbs are lovely, I assure you 🙂

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