EPISODE 325: with special guest ASTERIOS KOKKINOS

Asterios-Kokkinos-1In this episode, Tyler and David are joined by comedian Asterios Kokkinos to discuss Star Trek, Star Wars, and more!

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3 Responses

  1. BSP Comment Board Pro says:

    the hard thing to explain about voyager to people that dont watch it is that a lot of the reasons the plots are so bad is because you kind of have to assume some science stuff that can be tough to explain but makes the eps literally impossible. like in one episode the captain and one of the officers evolve forward in time and become these genius lizards (like, salamanders or something) and mate. and its like, evolution occurs in response to environmental pressures, there’s no preprogrammed development that you can “evolutionize” forward to become a higher lifeform. sharks and alligators outlived the dinosaurs, they haven’t evolved in like 200 million years, because they’re already perfect for their niche essentially.

    like, i know, pedantic science stuff, but i object, i’m perfectly fine with crazy stuff you don’t explain like a lightsaber, it’s almost like magic at that point, but when you invoke darwin, on a *science fiction* show, you have to color inside the lines! you’ve specifically invoked the borders of suspension of disbelief at that point, and it is explicitly on the authors shoulders!

  2. Sarah Brinks says:

    What a great episode guys! Asterios was so much fun to listen to!

    I have to stand up for Voyager, I enjoyed the series. I thought it was fun to see them have to create all new aliens and challenges. Granted it never went dark or dirty enough, but Star Trek has always been a little too squeaky clean.

    Thanks for such a fun episode, you had me laughing out loud like an idiot on my morning commute 🙂

  3. Rob says:

    This was the funniest episode of BP in a long time. Asterios should be on every week.

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