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7 Responses

  1. pinkston says:

    Maybe it’s just that I’m from Chicago, but missing Dennis Farina in the “In Memorium” section was a big whoops.

  2. Aaron says:

    Oh, and that was me that wrote a review of THE MISSING PICTURE, which I saw at the Chicago International Film Festival!

  3. Duncan says:

    I listened relistened to the first 2 minutes of the BPs episode at full volume, and I couldn’t hear anything legible 🙁

  4. Hudsucker says:

    What’s with all the hate on Whoopi Goldberg? I haven’t really payed attention to her, but she didn’t bother me in the slightest.

  5. Albert says:

    I can’t tell if you guys are being serious, when you’re gushing about how natural that selfie was and how much fun everybody was having.

  6. Seth H. says:

    Please tell me that you’re going to make David read the ad for Zomboobies in the next episode.

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