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4 Responses

  1. Darrell says:

    David, I couldn’t relate more to your issue with communication at screenings and becoming part of a wider film community. (Or, with me, communication in general)

    I’m not completely sure of the reason but I think there is something interesting in trying to pinpoint whether critics need to integrate themselves within wider critic circles.

    Of course, I read many reviews from critics, but if I saw that same critic at a screening, I don’t think I’d have much interest in discussing their ideas with them. So I feel very much on the outside of many seemingly close “critic circles”, at any level.

  2. Seth H. says:

    Poor Walter Murch.

  3. Marko says:

    I’m just a little disappointed you didn’t use this episode as an opportunity to discuss the collective careers of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong.

  4. Chris Mosher says:

    One of the more interesting names i heard passed around for the rmake of It is Tiles Swinton. I think it would be some interesting casting against expectations.

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