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25 Responses

  1. Michael Friel says:

    On the great t shirt debate.

    I agree with David on the notion of wearing the tee shirt of the band you are seeing to their concert as being a no no. The exception being throwing on a t shirt you have bought at that concert over whatever you are already wearing.

    The difference with wearing a riddler t-shirt to comic con is it is saying “Yes I enjoy the culture we are here to celebrate, and this is the particular aspect I enjoy” as opposed to the band t shirt situation where you are almost declaring “Yeah, I already knew who these guys are, I’m cool”. I think the acceptable version is wearing another bands t-shirt to the gig, showing your interest in that type, or another type of music but not going in for the cliche.

  2. Jackson H. says:

    Hooray for a whole episode dedicated to the argument Scott and I had on here last week!

  3. Ari Gunnar Thorsteinsson says:

    I quite likes Spielberg’s mocap Tintin, but I’d love to see Wes Anderson make a live action Tintin movie, more in line with the french movies made in the sixties. Given how much of the aesthetic of GBH seemed Herge inspired I think it would be very interesting.

  4. bob says:

    As much as i don’t want to see it, i’m curious to see how Suicide Squad turns out. Nothing in David Ayer’s previous work would lead me to believe he’d be down for directing a “tights” movie – and it seems like DC is really doubling down on their “gritty” vision.

    But who knows? Maybe Ayer can smile? He seems much more like a Walter Hill type than a James Gunn – i think *all* of his movies up until now have been completely humorless (?).

    As far as Blank Panther goes…it’ll be interesting to see who they get. I assume it won’t be John Singleton (another candidate for this episode) – who will undoubtedly turn in a perfectly serviceable movie. 2 Fast 2 Furious, 4 Brothers, and Shaft were all serviceable genre movies with a winking sense of humor. Seems perfect for Marvel, unless you want some “hungry kid with promise” to add 5% Personal Flavor to the sauce. In which case…i dunno? The guy who’s directing Creed? It looks good (for a Rocky movie).

    • Scott Nye says:

      There’s definitely some pretty grim humor in Sabotage (easily his best film, and that’s not necessarily faint praise; it’s super good) that I could see accentuated in Suicide Squad.

      • Jackson H. says:

        It seems we will never agree on even one thing. Hated Sabotage. LOVED Fury, though.

        • Scott Nye says:

          In your defense, though, it is an immensely hatable film. Like I would never tell my mother I went to see it, let alone liked it.

          • Jackson H. says:

            To be clear, I didn’t hate it because I thought it was stupid (which it is) or trashy (which it definitely is). Normally I dig those things. I hated it because despite how hard it was trying to be cheap, low-brow entertainment, it still managed to bore me.

          • bob says:

            i think i might’ve seen all his films except Fury (Shia + Lerman = NO) and End of Watch (which most people seem to think is his best). I could see how almost all of them are “hateable”, definitely.

            I found most of them to be watchable and entertaining, if perhaps a little too “gritty” (forced manliness and gore). Street Kings had some humor (and Chris Evans!) in a rehash of his Dark Blue script. I think i preferred Kurt Russell (who doesn’t?) to Keanu, but Chris Evans >> Scott Speedman.

            Sabotage definitely had some fun to it, especially the crew of characters in the squad. It’ll be interesting to see if Ayer can build on that for Suicide Squad

  5. Sean Lass says:

    I have a huge problem with calling Casino Royale “chaos cinema.” This is so incorrect, it borders on insulting. I think a lot of people credit the Bourne movies with the tone of Casino Royale, and while that may be fair, the action is completely different. Greengrass put the audience inside the action, to where it is bordelrine incomprehensible, and, yes, when I first saw The Bourne Supremacy, it was breathtaking. But in Casino Royale, the camera movements are smooth and elegant, and Stuart Baird’s editing is precise and clean. We rarely get too close to the subjects of the scene, and we hold on them long enough to see what is going on. It’s visceral while always keeping the audience in the position of spectator. Sorry to harp on such a small note, but I care a great deal about cinematic action, especially when it’s done as well as in Casino Royale, which may be the greatest action movie of that decade.

    • Dan Roy says:

      It’s without question the best parkour with wires of 2006

    • Travis says:

      Agreed. Dammit, David, go watch it! It’s great because it’s NOT a typical Bond movie, a lot of aspects. Still one of the best action movies of that decade.

      Now, Quantum of Solace? Yeah, I think it’s fair to call that “chaos cinema”.

  6. Sabrina says:

    I think Tyler deserves points for bringing back good old fashioned curmudgeonly behavior. Well played, sir.

    As for the t-shirt debate: my girlfriends and I went to see Alien recently and I wore my USCSS Nostromo shirt, which looks like something a crew member might wear. I think that at a movie — as opposed to a concert — a low key shirt is something that’s likely only gonna be noticed by like-minded nerds and doesn’t look like a cry for recognition. If I saw someone with a xenomorph or something really obtuse or obvious on a t-shirt, I would judge them. So much.

  7. Jeff Schroeck says:

    What about Dirty Work for the four times marathon?

  8. Travis says:

    DAVID! You have to see Fury Road while it’s still in theatres. It’s really not the same thing on the small screen, at all. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you wait until it’s on video.

    I think you’ll enjoy it. Miller constructed it basically as a silent film and uses action to directly build character and relationship. It really is a magnificent movie.

  9. Scott M says:

    I was shocked (but pleasantly so) to hear that David not only had seen the Star Wars trailers, but also thought he had a greater than 50% chance of liking it. I guess those were not words I was expecting to come out of his mouth, but I feel kind of in the same boat. I have no desire to see any superhero movies that are coming out in the next 5 years, but I’ll be there opening night for Star Wars and am really hoping that I’ll enjoy myself.

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