The reason there aren’t as many Thanksgiving movies, I would assume, is because it’s only an American holiday, so they wouldn’t do as well in the rest of the world (or at least studio execs would think they wouldn’t – I’m from the rest of the world and not sure if this is true).
As for the argument that It’s a Wonderful Life is not a Christmas movie, it just happens to take place at Christmas – doesn’t that go for most Christmas movies? Apart from the ones about Santa Claus, couldn’t any Christmas classic be remade in a different time of year? Even A Christmas Carol could be A Birthday Carol or a New Year’s Carol.
The reason for more Christmas movies? Anticipation!! It’s the waiting, the build up, Santa Claus is COMING to town. That’s why most Christmas movies exist on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day. There are only a handful of films that make it past Christmas Morning, because the load has been blown early and it’s downhill from there. The best Christmas films: Die Hard, It’s a Wonderful Life, Gremlins, Scrooged… all end before Christmas Day.
Also, “Pieces of April” is a wonderful movie, that I love very dearly.
Back when my Decembers weren’t dominated by year-end catch-up, I would watch Tenenbaums every year around Christmas. The use of the Peanuts music is a huge part of it, as is the emphasis on a family coming together after quite awhile apart (college, when I started this tradition, created the first real distance I’d had from family, both immediate and extended, my entire life, so this resonance was especially pronounced).
It ended up playing at my very favorite theater, in Portland – a place where I saw many movies that meant a great deal to me – a couple years back when I visited for the holidays, allowing me the excuse to briefly resurrect the tradition. The film never felt more suited to the season than it did then, bundled as I was in old-fashioned an old-fashioned blazer with a sharp breeze outside, closely reflecting the way the autumn and winter scenes in the film feel. That theater has since been renovated from a single-screen to a small multiplex, and that screening would be the last time I ever saw it as I knew it.
Tyler’s Grandma’s comment about him not being fat reminded me of a similar (and kind of opposite) thing my Grandma said to me years ago when I was probably middle school aged: “Well, you can tell which one they feed the best.”
The reason there aren’t as many Thanksgiving movies, I would assume, is because it’s only an American holiday, so they wouldn’t do as well in the rest of the world (or at least studio execs would think they wouldn’t – I’m from the rest of the world and not sure if this is true).
As for the argument that It’s a Wonderful Life is not a Christmas movie, it just happens to take place at Christmas – doesn’t that go for most Christmas movies? Apart from the ones about Santa Claus, couldn’t any Christmas classic be remade in a different time of year? Even A Christmas Carol could be A Birthday Carol or a New Year’s Carol.
The reason for more Christmas movies? Anticipation!! It’s the waiting, the build up, Santa Claus is COMING to town. That’s why most Christmas movies exist on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day. There are only a handful of films that make it past Christmas Morning, because the load has been blown early and it’s downhill from there. The best Christmas films: Die Hard, It’s a Wonderful Life, Gremlins, Scrooged… all end before Christmas Day.
Also, “Pieces of April” is a wonderful movie, that I love very dearly.
Back when my Decembers weren’t dominated by year-end catch-up, I would watch Tenenbaums every year around Christmas. The use of the Peanuts music is a huge part of it, as is the emphasis on a family coming together after quite awhile apart (college, when I started this tradition, created the first real distance I’d had from family, both immediate and extended, my entire life, so this resonance was especially pronounced).
It ended up playing at my very favorite theater, in Portland – a place where I saw many movies that meant a great deal to me – a couple years back when I visited for the holidays, allowing me the excuse to briefly resurrect the tradition. The film never felt more suited to the season than it did then, bundled as I was in old-fashioned an old-fashioned blazer with a sharp breeze outside, closely reflecting the way the autumn and winter scenes in the film feel. That theater has since been renovated from a single-screen to a small multiplex, and that screening would be the last time I ever saw it as I knew it.
Tyler’s Grandma’s comment about him not being fat reminded me of a similar (and kind of opposite) thing my Grandma said to me years ago when I was probably middle school aged: “Well, you can tell which one they feed the best.”
Thanks, Grandma.