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9 Responses

  1. Juhani Kenttä says:

    I haven’t seen the new Star Trek trailer but I’m surprised Tyler didn’t remember that Sabotage features very prominently in the first Abrams Star Trek. Not that it necessarily makes the trailer much better but at least it’s exploiting its own past instead of a recent trend in trailers.

  2. Craig says:

    Josh’s David Ayer story was absolutely delightful and seems to be a perfect encapsulation of all of the macho petulance Ayer has devoted his career to.

  3. Beth says:

    Fadem is absolutely exhausting every time, but I can’t NOT listen. His Louis C.K. impression is especially great, though.

  4. Ben H. says:

    Did you say you’re looking forward to “Me Without You”? Does that not look like a Nicholas Sparks version of “Theory of Everything” to anyone else?

    • Battleship Pretension says:

      The romance stuff was the best part of The Theory of Everything so that sounds good to me.

      – David

  5. Dan Roy says:

    I was really happy to hear Josh say that no one really cares about Margot Robbie, he left out about how she is identical to Jaime Pressly. Same person!

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