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3 Responses

  1. Ryan says:

    Also, it was Bill Pullman who died, as it turns out. Dammit, Beatty!

  2. Kenneth Branagh – Oscar Nominated for
    Best Actor in a Leading Role
    Best Director
    . . . Henry V (1989)

    Everyone was right.

  3. Caleb says:

    Goddam if that ending hasn’t had me smiling ever since. Not only was it weird and memorable, but the best (nominated) film actually won! I hope David breaks his Oscar silence and talks about those shenanigans on the next episode. I don’t see how he won’t be able to really. Maybe you guys can get into a discussion about the controversy and “conspiracy” surrounding the mix-up (I put quotes around one and not the other because there’s been genuine concern from people over the snafu taking away from the filmmakers and films, while I find the idea that the whole thing was a publicity stunt absurd).

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