Episodes 595: New Oscar Rules with Katie Walsh

In this episode, Tyler and David are joined by Katie Walsh to discuss the really awesome new Oscar rules.

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5 Responses

  1. Marko says:

    Pixar has had two films nominated for Best Picture. Up and Toy Story 3.

  2. Andrew says:


  3. Matthew Sullivan says:

    I’m with you David. Black Panther is the 3rd best Marvel film this year.

  4. Shamir says:

    Tyler: “Conservatives don’t like the Oscars because they feel like liberals use it as a platform to tell them they they’re wrong.”

    *cue David launching into this very thing.

    As much as I tend to agree with David’s sentiments about capitalism (i.e., supplemented by sensible regulation to promote healthy competition), this mini-rant felt weird and out of place. Is David trying to rile up his base ahead of the primaries?

    Katie Walsh is always great — happy to see her back!

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