Fantasy Casting- Star Trek: The Next Generation

TNG_headWith all the hullabaloo about J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek franchise reboot, I feel like it is just a matter of time before somebody decides to reboot The Next Generation.  It could be a fun prospect, incorporating the more modern sensibility of the show and its characters with latest cutting edge special effects could make for a very entertaining film.  The characters of the show are, in many ways, just as interesting and distinct as those from the original series, so casting them correctly is key.Let’s see what we’ve got.Directed by: David Yates
Written by: Steve Kloves




Captain Jean-Luc Picard- Ralph Fiennes






Commander William Riker- Jeremy Renner






Geordi La Forge- Jesse Williams






Worf- Forest Whitaker






Dr. Beverly Crusher- Julianne Moore






Wesley Crusher- Logan Lerman






Deanna Troi- Marion Cotillard






Lieutenant Commander Data- Stanley Tucci






Guinan- Taraji P. Henson






Q- John Slattery

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2 Responses

  1. Sarah Brinks says:

    I love them all! Brilliant!

  2. Sarah Brinks says:

    Can Jeremy Renner grow a beard? I think that is the key point if he was cast as Riker. I do LOVE Stanley Tucci as Data but I could also see him as Q.

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