Monday Movie: Gremlins, by David Bax

I’ll admit it. I’m one of those wet blankets who’s bothered by people starting to celebrate Christmas too early. I’m not vocal about it like I used to be; I don’t want to be the one to harsh anyone’s premature yuletide buzz. But it does annoy me a bit and not because of some bah humbug, anti-Christmas stance (though I went through that phase too, just like any respectable young miscreant). No, it’s just that I really, really love Thanksgiving and I hate to see it get ignored. It’s the rare holiday that is neither religious nor nationalistic nor really tied to any ideology other than just spending time in the warm indoors with your family and absolutely stuffing the hell out of your face. Except this year we don’t really get to do that. Thanksgiving 2020 is pretty much going to suck, especially for me since this is an even-numbered year and that means we had intended to spend it with my mom, whom I won’t see again for God knows how long. We won’t be cooking for or sharing with large amounts of people and any interactions that do happen beyond me and my wife will take place out in the cold (by which, yes, I mean the SoCal cold of, like, 55 degrees). Thanksgiving as I know and love it isn’t happening this year so fuck it, it’s Christmas now, let’s watch Gremlins.