Movie Meltdown: Monster Isotopes

This week we kick off a new running series where we focus on sci-fi movies. Listen as discuss the 1960 Italian feature Atom Age Vampire. The poster is awesome, the trailer is amazing… but does the movie itself hold up as a science fiction classic?

And while we realize we’re still just geeks digging through our uncle’s video closet, we also address… FunFlicks, The Orville, Larry Cohen, Veronica Lake, dressed up in a trench coat like she’s a spy, Ursula K. Le Guin, she’s clearly wildly in love with this wooden man, I do really like mad scientists, I am always kind of defined by my worst joke, Lethal Weapon, relationship bonding, back when we kept our geekdom in the basement, humor is valuable partly because it allows us to say the things we can’t say, suffering against suffering, Rod Serling, there’s a great progressive shot of her face, Star Trek: Discovery, the Los Alamos Isotopes, it’s unleashed a primordial malevolence, I’m freaking right the hell out, Hiroshima bottles, your limp body is the only thing that holds these scenes together, Fred Savage, porn addiction, Jigsaw in Punisher, radical therapy that can make you pretty again, I guess culture is ham-handed, a winding road by the sea, Eyes Without a Face, scientific gobbledygook, a cardio encephalograph, just a lot of hugging and rolling, Q: The Winged Serpent, social capital, Looney Tunes dodo dimension, the worst sin that he commits… not as a person but as a movie person, this fabulous high-collared leopard print coat, Godzilla, caught on an alien world humping a statue, Jonathan Frakes, the mute factotum, The Expanse, Hammer Horror, it’s long and graven, discussing social issues in art, who the bulk of the suffering is placed upon, there is an escaped gorilla from the zoo that must have done it, Pierre and Jeanette, one makes you pretty again… one turns you into a monster, don’t be boring, swanky music, strictly stereotyped, Monique and Sasha, the trenchcoat brigade, we’ve got all the space… we need to use all this space, Reptilicus, that could become the defining moment of my life, The Stuff, in fact he seems straight-up bored, bursts into flames, film at least until the digital age was not in imperishable medium and glands excretions.

Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for Atom Age Vampire… so go watch the movie before you listen.

“…and he’s like ‘Cool… come down to my mysterious lab and let me inject you with things’.”

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