This week, we’re dodging fowl. Here’s what else we’re doing. We’re dodging fowl, recapping the TCM Classic Film Festival, counting to a thousand and one, eating breakfast cereal and visiting a mansion. Here are the top five things that went...
Episode 71- Cthulhu Mansion A film can be forgiven of its crime of being, but it’s harder to forgive a film for being boring. Imagine the Sisyphean task of forgiving a film that’s both bad and boring? You don’t have to imagine...
Episode 70 – Colour From the Dark Sorry for the unexpected delay in posting, folks – this is what happens when Norovirus rips through a household! Isn’t it funny how sometimes a low-budget Italian horror film set in 1943 is...
This week, we’re locating nonexistent movies. Here’s what else we’re doing. We’re locating nonexistent movies, heading to Lexington, lasting Lovecraft, opening up the March 2023 mailbag and going to Ross’s wedding. Here are the top five things that went down...
Episode 69 – The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu (2009) The Cast of Cthulhu goes low-budget for this episode to cover Slamdance alum, The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu. An intriguing premise is sabotaged by juvenile humor tinged with homophobia and hamstrung by...
This week, Tyler takes on the Oscars. Here’s what else we’re doing: Tyler takes on the Oscars, David discuss the movies he’s been watching, Natalie and David drink kombucha and eat ice cream, James and Jim discuss Apostle and Natalie...
Episode 68 – Apostle Have you ever wondered why we take seriously people who believe in ghosts but think believers in UFOs are nuts? Did you watch and have opinions on AEW’s Revolution? If you’ve answered “no” to either of these...
Episode 67 – Dreams in the Witch House (2022) David Bax of Battleship Pretension returns for his third sleepover in the witch house where he witnesses Jim have an existentialist crisis in real time as he realizes that perhaps Mia Watkins’ and...
Episode 66 – Pickman’s Model (2022) New year, new Cthulyou! The boys at The Cast of Cthulhu ring in 2023 by tackling “Pickman’s Model,” the first of two Lovecraft adaptations featured in the Netflix-exclusive horror anthology, Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities. One of...
This week, we’re figuring out horror. Here’s what else we’re doing: In addition to figuring out horror, we’re ending Halloween, surveying home video releases, raising hell and battling jellyfish. Here are the top five things that went down at Battleship...