Tagged: crime


Monday Movie: Gun Crazy, by Alexander Miller

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Gun Crazy originally ran as a Criterion Prediction. At the risk of sounding too precious or lofty I’d like start by saying Gun Crazy is like Baby Bear’s...


Monday Movie: Eating Raoul, by Kyle Anderson

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Eating Raoul originally ran as a home video review. Part of what I love about the Criterion Collection is its assertion that release “important” films, not...


Monday Movie: Pulp Fiction, by David Bax

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Pulp Fiction originally ran as part of our top 100 movies list. The Scorseses and the Spielbergs were the first generation of successful filmmakers to have...


Monday Movie: Hammett, by Alexander Miller

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Hammett originally ran as a Criterion Prediction. Wim Wenders’ Hammett is a strange case. The very concoction seems off. Wenders had flirted with the noir territory with The American...


Monday Movie: The Godfather Part II, by David Bax

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of The Godfather Part II originally ran part of our top 100 movies. Not being content to simply have made one of the most quintessential films about...

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