10. Support the Girls Support the Girls looks at a day in the life of Lisa (Regina Hall) and her staff at a Hooters-like sports bar. Lisa is a great manager. She is upbeat, she cares about her staff, she...
10. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs The Ballad of Buster Scruggs—the Coen Brothers’ long-gestating western anthology—is a film that bounces between comedy and tragedy with demented euphoria. The film opens with a farcical tale of a singing cowboy, a la...
10. The Favourite I don’t think The Favourite is Yorgos Lanthimos’ best film, but it’s a film that has projected him into the awards limelight in a way that something like The Lobster (or Dogtooth!) wouldn’t be able to. His brand...
For a long time my relationship with 2018’s cinematic offerings resembled that of the protagonist of a romantic comedy who fell in love with his best friend: I was always looking for something that would sweep me off my feet...
10. Eighth Grade I put off seeing Eighth Grade for much of the year because, put simply, I’m not a fan of Bo Burnham. His work as a standup, while undeniably smart, mostly struck me as fatiguingly self-referential and apparently...
In the first few minutes of Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade, I worried that the humor at the center of the story of an awkward 13-year-old would spring primarily from a place of superiority. I was concerned that the film would...
Eighth Grade is the type of movie that makes you laugh out loud, cringe, and cry all in the same scene. Director and writer Bo Burnham’s debut film take an unflinchingly close look at how brutal it is to be...