Tagged: georges melies


Monday Movie: A Trip to the Moon, by Tyler Smith

Orson Welles once described filmmaking as “the biggest electric train set a boy ever had.” This enthusiastic approach to the novelty of filmmaking could certainly be seen in Welles’ stylistic playfulness, but not always his tone, which often had a...


Monday Movie: A Trip to the Moon, by Tyler Smith

Orson Welles once described filmmaking as “the biggest electric train set a boy ever had.” This enthusiastic approach to the novelty of filmmaking could certainly be seen in Welles’ stylistic playfulness, but not always his tone, which often had a...


Monday Movie: A Trip to the Moon, by David Bax

What you already know about A Trip to the Moon is that Georges Méliès was a pioneer in the field of special effects. The simple idea of removing an actor from the set but editing the film together so that he or she...

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