I grew up watching Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. I loved meeting all of Mr. Rogers neighbors and friends and visiting the land of make believe. Won’t You Be My Neighbor is a heartwarming documentary about Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood host and creator...
Hearts Beat Loud is really a lovely film. Sometimes the films at festivals can get a little heavy and dower, so it is nice when a sweet, well-made film comes along and freshens your pallet. Hearts Beat Loud stars Nick...
Don’t Leave Home falls into a genre of films that I would like to call “almost horror.” There are moments in the film that are scary and there are horror elements to film, but it never manages to actually be...
The Limits of My World is a documentary made by director Heather Cassano to get to know her brother Brian better. Brian is severely autistic and nearly completely non-verbal. Brian is now an adult man and Cassano wanted to see...
I took my first trip to New Orleans last fall and on a gator tour where I had my first exposure to creatures called nutria rats. The locals pronounce it more like “nutra.” The gator tour guide explained as he...
André Leon Talley is a dream subject for a documentary. He stands out physically as a 6’ 6” African American man, vocally with a deep booming voice, and historically because he spent his life breaking down barriers. I think Talley’s...
Eighth Grade is the type of movie that makes you laugh out loud, cringe, and cry all in the same scene. Director and writer Bo Burnham’s debut film take an unflinchingly close look at how brutal it is to be...
You know subject of the film Chuck, Chuck Wepner, even if you have never heard of him. He’s the real-life inspiration for Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky. Wepner went fifteen rounds with Muhammad Ali in 1975 and is a local legend in...