At the end of Cherry, a title card pops up reading, “A Russo Brothers Movie.” The word choice there is a fitting summation of the directors’ entertainment-first ethos. Their relentlessly larger-than-life inclusions–red tinting, swooping cameras, massive text superimpositions–occasionally serve a...
This week the Super Series wraps up a huge chapter in the Marvel cinematic universe. Join us as we try to talk through coming down off the Endgame high as well as what all of this has meant to us over the course of these last...
“Fan service” is a term spoken with disdain for good reason. Aiming to please a series’ most ardent fans, who are going to go see your movie anyway, makes for flat, unsurprising results. Joss Whedon, the writer and director of...
This week our Super Series hits a new level with the culmination of a decade of Marvel movies bringing together the entire MCU – and our epic discussion of Avengers: Infinity War. And as we sat in awe at the sheer amount of planning and...
Jer Coons returns to talk about Avengers: Infinity War! It’s a long one but so was the movie… We get into the guts of the film, what works and what didn’t, which characters were important and why but also how...
When we talk about the mainstreaming of nerd culture, we’re mostly talking about how kids wearing Captain America logos are less likely to get beaten up and more likely to be doing the beating up. It’s not that basic bros...