Title(s): The Three Musketeers & The Four Musketeers: Milady’s Revenge Year(s): 1973, 1974 Director: Richard Lester Cast: Michael York, Faye Dunaway, Oliver Reed, Christopher Lee, Richard Chamberlain, Geraldine Chaplin, Charlton Heston, Racquel Welch Synopsis: A young D’artagnan sets out for...
In this episode, West rings in Rocktober with the 1975 Ken Russell musical extravaganza Tommy. Music in this episode includes: “Overture From Tommy” “1951 / What About The Boy?” performed by Ann-Margret & Oliver Reed “Amazing Journey” performed by Pete...
From the opening scenes of Ken Russell’s 1971 film The Devils, you get a feel for the overall tone, one of grotesquery, irreverence, and caricature, and by the end, the tone has been maintained. The film’s themes are of blasphemy,...