Tagged: shia labeouf


Pieces of a Woman: Incomplete, by David Bax

After a few short scenes establishing the main characters, their lives and their relationships, Kornél Mundruczó’s Pieces of a Woman announces itself with a long, complex and immersive single take (lasting almost 25 minutes) detailing an at-home childbirth. It’s possible...


The Tax Collector: Fraud, by David Bax

Have you ever seen an advertisement for a movie and thought to yourself, “There’s no way this thing actually exists”? Not because it sounds especially crazy or anything like that, but because it seems so lame that you can’t imagine...


Movie Meltdown: Fixing the Crystal Skull

This episode we try to see if it’s possible to… fix the Crystal Skull. The fourth installment in the Indiana Jones franchise has frustrated fans since it’s initial release. So we start with our on-going recasting question… could something as...

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