Jojo Rabbit‘s opening titles play out against stock footage of Germans “heil”ing Adolf Hitler soundtracked by The Beatles singing “Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand” and the sound of screaming fans. There is satirical potential in reducing Hitler to the level...
10. Eighth Grade I put off seeing Eighth Grade for much of the year because, put simply, I’m not a fan of Bo Burnham. His work as a standup, while undeniably smart, mostly struck me as fatiguingly self-referential and apparently...
2018 was an especially strong year for cinema. I considered many variations of this list, and have viewed many others with which I can find little objection. If that’s not an abundance of riches, well…I’ll settle for it. Honorable mentions...
Eight years after her last narrative feature, Winter’s Bone, got a Best Picture nomination and launched Jennifer Lawrence to stardom, director Debra Granik is back with another somber but enthralling tale about a teenage girl growing up on the fringes...