Following Lincoln’s departure from “Vermont Film Essentials” last summer, Devon Ewalt stepped in and took over co-hosting the show with David Metzger. Recently, they’ve rebranded the show and launched “Back Pocket Films” where they dive DEEP into their personal and...
In this episode, Patrick Marran returns to nerd out on Spider-Man: Far from Home and offer predictions for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4. SPOILERS ABOUND!
In this episode of The Beta Couple Podcast, Rachel and Lincoln discuss Nahnatckha Khan’s new film Always Be My Maybe starring Ali Wong and Randall Park.
In this episode of The Beta Couple Podcast, Rachel and Lincoln discuss Rob Reiner’s 2003 film Alex & Emma starring Luke Wilson and Kate Hudson. #tomatoskins
In this episode, Lincoln is joined by Patrick Marran and Richie Pepio for another “Bondversation,” this time about Roger Moore and his seven appearances as 007. Audio quality is lacking due to technical problems. Sorry.
In this episode, Brian Crawford Scott returns and joins Lincoln to discuss Fighting With My Family, written and directed by Stephen Merchant, produced by Dwayne Johnson, and based on a true story.