For many cinephiles, myself often included, TCM Fest means one thing – old films in 35mm, as they were meant to be seen. And not to worry, there was plenty of that to go around. But to limit oneself in...
Due to the nature of the festival, the relative rarity of the films screening, and my own personal predilections, I tend to stay away from anything at TCM Fest made after 1960, and don’t recall seeing anything in my four...
I (hope I) am far from alone in considering Ginger Rogers one of the greatest screen actors of all time. There’s her range of talent, certainly. She could be funny or touching (or both). She could dance, and she could...
Like most film festivals, the TCM Classic Film Festival is endlessly customizable. I was not too surprised to find that, when comparing schedules with a friend, we only had one film in common – even if you’re not taken in...