The Cast of Cthulhu: Spiral

This week the boys chat about their peripheral interest in the Winter Olympics and their excitement about what’s potentially going down in AEW* before getting into a discussion on Spiral, the film adaptation of Jinji Ito’s manga, Uzumaki

Skip ahead to 17:48 to avoid all the rasslin’ talk and get straight to the discussion of madness brought about by geometric patterns. Written and filmed before the manga was complete, Spiral has too much in common with Dragon Ball Z, which similarly spun its wheels while waiting for the source material to catch up. Tonally weird, narratively disjointed, and very 2000s, Spiral nonetheless does conjure up some pretty creepy atmosphere and allusions to inescapable fate in ways that remind viewers of Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Pulse and also Lovecraft’s work. 

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