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4 Responses

  1. Steve B. says:

    Thanks for doing this podcast- It makes it fun to watch the show. I’m a listener of BP and MTOL, but I don’t watch every season of survivor. I watched many of the first 10 seasons then not many for a while. I saw Season 31 (the fan-voted returning players) which you covered on WPF, then I went back and watched the first one with Russell H. (19). I’ve seen many seasons of The Amazing Race, including both seasons with Mike White.
    FYI – 19 of the 36 completed seasons of Survivor (and many of TAR as well) are available streaming to Amazon Prime subscribers. They are seasons 1, 3, and 12-28.

  2. Andrew C says:

    Great stuff, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

    I totally agree about the producers giving them stuff, regardless of the bad weather. It’s why that second season in Australia (geez, literally half my life ago) was so compelling, with the flood and oppressive heat where they got NO help.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Oh, Christian kind of looks like a young William Fichtner? Maybe. One of those “guys who was in that thing.”

  4. FYI, Itunes people, it’s there now. My old Itunes show subscription wouldn’t update, but I found the Smiths’ show in a search (look for their art), and it now works.

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