Title: Days of Being Wild Year: 1990 Director: Wong Kar-Wai Cast: Maggie Cheung, Leslie Cheung, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung Synopsis: Days of Being Wild centers on a slick womanizer, Yuddy (Leslie Cheung), who strikes a volatile relationship with Li-Zhen (Maggie...
Title: Fallen Angels Year: 1995 Director: Wong Kar-wai Cast: Michelle Reis, Leon Lai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Charlie Yeung Synopsis: A mosaic of criminal life from Hong Kong’s underworld, featuring a reluctant hitman and his lovelorn assistant who’s vying for his affection....
Title: Ashes of Time Year:1994 Director:Wong Kar-wai Cast:Brigitte Lin, Leslie Cheung, Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Maggie Cheung, Tony LeungChiu-wai, Li Bai Synopsis: Five narratives in the dusty martial world that connect to the malevolent and enigmatic Ouyang Feng aka Malicious West...
I decided to undertake a movie challenge in 2017. This seemed like a good way to see some classic movies that I have unfortunately never seen. The Battleship Pretension Top 100 list has a good number of films I hadn’t...