Category: aaron pinkston


The Chicago Rep-port: 3/17 to 3/23, by Aaron Pinkston

Repertoire screenings may not be as abundant in Chicago as they are in LA/NY, but when you look around, there are many theatergoing delights. The Chicago Rep-port is a weekly(ish) series highlighting the best and most compelling repertory screenings in...


Aaron’s Top Ten of 2016

Another year, another top 10 list. I feel like every year around this time I say this was a particularly great year, that it was difficult to choose only ten films, yadda yadda yadda. It’s true and it always is....


Chicago International Film Festival 2016: Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, by Aaron Pinkston

Steve James has made a career out of documenting the lives of the unfortunate and underserved, from those fighting gang activity on the most violent neighborhoods of Chicago to the young people in these same neighborhoods with little opportunity to...


Chicago International Film Festival 2016: Things to Come, by Aaron Pinkston

Things to Come is a pretty simple character study following a woman (Isabelle Huppert) whose life is on the verge of disarray. However, it doesn’t have the same kind of structural or formal dynamism as director Mia Hansen-Løve’s sprawling EDM...


Chicago International Film Festival 2016: A Quiet Passion, by Aaron Pinkston

A Quiet Passion could be the title of most Terence Davies films, so it is particularly fun that the film called A Quiet Passion is, at least at times, an outlier for the filmmaker. Chronicling the adult life of poet...


Chicago International Film Festival 2016: Christine, by Aaron Pinkston

When one first hears about Christine Chubbuck, it is impossible not to wonder how it all ended up like this. We have become inundated with tragic stories of mass shooters and bombings, but a news reporter committing suicide live on...

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