Category: movie meltdown


Movie Meltdown: Fantasy Video Store

This episode we create our own Fantasy Video Store filled with astaff made up of film characters. Inspired by a weird dream, thisconcept may be the greatest idea ever… or pure insanity. You be thejudge.


Movie Meltdown: It’s Time for a Face Off

This episode we make good on our previous idea/threat to take two actors and switch their roles and essentially their careers. Ridiculousness ensues. And as we have a few surprise surgeries, we also cover… The Meg, Mandy, Witness, Goldie Hawn,...


Movie Meltdown: Distracted by the Real World

This episode, we welcome back a couple of cast members for our first real-world recording since the world shut down! And there’s plenty to catch up on. And while we’re perusing all the stuff we also mention… Thrashin’, stickers, Phantasm,...


Movie Meltdown: Demon Lover Diary

This episode we talk with the famous (or infamous) Sam Drog about a lesser-known documentary–Demon Lover Diary. In the wilds of Michigan, three unsuspecting filmmakers get themselves in over their heads as they sign on to help make an independent...

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