Movie Meltdown: Wolf Creek and the Horrors of Australia

This episode, we welcome back Dick Starr for another horror club “promo episode” – available to everyone! Join us as we discuss 2005’s Wolf Creek as well as post-millennium horror movies and all the different things that are waiting to kill you in Australia.

And while we realize the real horror is living in the world of video calls, we also address… Robert Englund, breakfast foods and Lucha masks, something unnatural is going on here, High Tension, Tom and Jerry, Greg McLean, watching new releases streaming, thunderstorms, buffets or salad bars, this is his playground, House of 1000 Corpses, John Jarratt, Wrong Turn, Hostel, to be done remotely, society has to be kept apart, you remember Outbreak from the ‘90s, it got away from me, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, making you feel stranded and helpless, Behind the Mask, Shaun of the Dead, Sonic the Hedgehog, in the not too distant future, being able to pivot, the one you just shoved off a cliff, U Turn, Eli Roth, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, then the world has to keep going, too comfortable doing what he’s doing, a giant cloud of spiders and being the final girl. 

Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for the original Wolf Creek, so go watch the movie before you listen. 

“…they have no idea, the predator that they are dealing with.”

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