Tagged: review


Sting: Harmless, by Tyler Smith

I’m terrified of spiders. And so are you. Everybody is. Those who say they are not are either liars or not paying close enough attention. Spiders are monsters. As proof, we need only look at the horror genre. Whether big...


Beasting and Other Stuff You Might Have Missed This Week

This week, we’re beasting. Here’s what else we’re doing. We’re beasting, omening first, wonking, chancing coup and self-destructing. Here are the top five things that went down at Battleship Pretension this week: The Beast: Doll-drums Through the Century, by Scott...


The TV Room: Shogun, by Andrew Benjamin

Shogun is a brutal show to watch. It emulates that Game of Thrones style of television that is about showcasing graphic violence, political maneuvering, and overt sexuality. That’s not positive or negative. Just an observation. Beyond that, it does manage...


Zoning Interest and Other Stuff You Might Have Missed This Week

This week, we’re zoning interest. Here’s what else we’re doing. We’re zoning interest, tasting things, mailbagging, watching videos and completing. Here are the top five things that went down at Battleship Pretension this week: The Zone of Interest: Distanced Lives,...

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