Tagged: top 100 directors
ALFRED HITCHCOCK PSYCHO, VERTIGO, REAR WINDOW, NORTH BY NORTHWEST What would Alfred Hitchcock have done had he been born in a time before cinema? He seems to have been so naturally and breathtakingly skilled at telling a story through film,...
STANLEY KUBRICK DR. STRANGELOVE, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, SPARTACUS There has arguably never been a more methodical director than Stanley Kubrick. His attention to detail and keen sense of what he wanted cemented his reputation as one...
MARTIN SCORSESE GOODFELLAS, RAGING BULL, TAXI DRIVER, THE DEPARTED In 1973, Martin Scorsese accidentally redefined the gangster genre with his third feature, Mean Streets. While it was that film that put his name on the map, it is the countless...
JOEL & ETHAN COEN FARGO, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, RAISING ARIZONA, THE BIG LEBOWSKI, BARTON FINK I remember hearing once that the Coen brothers’ movies tend to be made on time and under budget. That’s not really surprising, given...
STEVEN SPIELBERG JAWS, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, SCHINDLER’S LIST, E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL, MUNICH Without a doubt, one of the pre-eminent masters of the art of cinema. He is, on his own, what Pixar aspires to as a collective....
AKIRA KUROSAWA SEVEN SAMURAI, RAN, YOJIMBO, HIDDEN FORTRESS The 30 films Kurosawa made in just under 60 years have influenced everyone from Lucas and Spielberg to Tarantino and Lasseter. You know it’s a Kurosawa film if it’s a mix of...
ORSON WELLES CITIZEN KANE, TOUCH OF EVIL, THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, OTHELLO A master of several mediums, Orson Welles saw film as the ultimate opportunity to put his talents into practice. With each film, Welles attempted to fully utilize every aspect...
QUENTIN TARANTINO PULP FICTION, RESERVOIR DOGS, KILL BILL, INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS, JACKIE BROWN There might not be a better case for director-as-pop-star than Quentin Tarantino. He’s kind of the Warhol of filmmakers, only I think he’s having more fun. He...
FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA THE GODFATHER, APOCALYPSE NOW, THE CONVERSATION One doesn’t like to make bold statements, but then again, this is a list claiming to represent the 100 greatest directors of all time, so what the hell – Francis Ford...
WOODY ALLEN ANNIE HALL, MANHATTAN, HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, MIDNIGHT IN PARIS Cinema’s resident neurotic comedian, Allen writes films that crackle with his own witty, acerbic dialogue. Allen’s journey from making goofy comedies to tragically hopeful ones is a beautiful...