Category: top 100 characters

30. HAL 9000 0

30. HAL 9000

in 2001: A Space Odyssey Before the Terminator, HAL 9000 was the technophobe’s greatest nightmare. With nothing more than a constant red light, he applied a face to our fears about the coming information age. Why is it, then, that...

31. Mrs. Robinson 0

31. Mrs. Robinson

played by Anne Bancroft in The Graduate Mrs. Robinson is a post-human seductress. She’s not a person, she is a flash of bare breasts and a long leg that extends over forty years of film history that has yet to...

32. Aguirre 0

32. Aguirre

played by Klaus Kinski in Aguirre: The Wrath of God Given the stories we’ve heard about Klaus Kinski, it’s hard to decide where he ends and the obsessed madman Aguirre begins. But sometimes an actor is not meant to be...

33. Diane Christensen 0

33. Diane Christensen

played by Faye Dunaway in Network Beautiful, but ruthless, Diana Christensen is a successful woman working in a man’s world. It would appear that the only way to survive is to be willing to do what the other guy won’t....

34. The Man With No Name 0

34. The Man With No Name

played by Clint Eastwood in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly He was the inevitable, violent, antisocial result of the deconstruction of the Western genre. Strange that something so academic could be so cool. He may have been a...

35. Scarlett O’Hara 0

35. Scarlett O’Hara

played by Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind Scarlett O’Hara is no action hero but she may be one of the strongest women in film history. She is widowed twice, miscarries once, loses her daughter in a horsing accident...

36. Hannibal Lecter 0

36. Hannibal Lecter

played by Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs When you’re sitting in a cage all day, the only entertainment available to you is trying to engage the hapless few that roam into your sphere of influence. As Anthony...

37. The Joker 0

37. The Joker

played by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight A man whose horrifying violence is informed by his nihilistic philosophies, Heath Ledger’s Joker is one of the most memorable characters of the last ten years. The brilliance of the characters lies...

38. Sherlock Jr. 0

38. Sherlock Jr.

played by Buster Keaton in Sherlock Jr. Buster Keaton plays two roles in Sherlock Jr. The first is an inept film projectionist, whose attempts at romance are completely informed by the movies he exhibits. The second role is that of...

39. Col. Nicholson 0

39. Col. Nicholson

played by Alec Guiness in The Bridge on the River Kwai Even with the most honorable of intentions, it’s possible to miss the woods for the trees. As Colonel Nicholson embraces the idea of British honor and duty, he soon...

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