Category: monday movie


Monday Movie: Melvin and Howard, by Alexander Miller

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Melvin and Howard originally ran as a Criterion Prediction. Jonathan Demme might be the celebrated director of thrillers like The Silence of the Lambs and Something Wild but his...


Monday Movie: Good Morning Babylon, by Alexander Miller

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Good Morning Babylon originally ran as a Criterion Prediction. Pairing the production of D.W. Griffith’s Intolerance with a witty, metaphorical story of two brothers making their way in...


Monday Movie: Heavy Traffic, by Scott Nye

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Heavy Traffic originally ran as a home video review. As more traditional, family-friendly cartoons have been reevaluated over the years, and the Looney Tunes shorts, Disney features, and...


Monday Movie: The Pinochet Case, by Dayne Linford

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of The Pinochet Case originally ran as a home video review. Living in America, it’s often easy to think of large portions of the world simply as...


Monday Movie: Nostalgia for the Light, by David Bax

Every Monday, we’ll highlight a piece of writing from our vaults. This review of Nostalgia for the Light originally ran as a theatrical review. Sometimes it seems like conventional wisdom not to mix the political and the personal.  It sounds...

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