Fantasy Casting: Decision 2016

8270544_GWe’re in the midst of primary season. And with Super Tuesday coming up, I thought it only appropriate to imagine this season as a movie. It’s certainly easy to do, what with the big personalities and high drama that we’ve seen for the last several months. The palpable anger, both on the left and the right, has made this a particularly brutal election and we don’t even have candidates yet. So I figured we’d need a politically-minded director with a strong handle on tension and cynicism, with a cast of heavy-hitters to capture the insanity of Decision 2016!Written and Directed by: Tony Gilroychur40





Hillary Clinton- Meryl Streep

Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross Allan Arkin George Aaronon (Allan Arkin) versucht, seinen Job mit illegalen Mitteln...D1MTBF Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross Allan Arkin George Aaronon (Allan Arkin) versucht, seinen Job mit illegalen Mitteln    Bernie Sanders- Alan Arkin






Donald Trump- Jon Voight






Marco Rubio- Oscar Isaac






Ted Cruz- Jeremy Renner






John Kasich- Ben Mendelsohn





Ben Carson- Terrence Howard

David Strathairn - Bourne Ultimatum 2007





Jeb Bush- David Strathairn






Chris Christie- Kevin james






Carly Fiorina- Melissa Leo

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6 Responses

  1. Sarah Brinks says:

    Great picks! Jon Voight as Trump is inspired!

  2. bob says:

    What happened to the penchant for race/gender-flipping the roles?

    I would LOVE to see Kathy Bates as Ted Cruz, staring down Jason Alexander’s Hillary Clinton.

  3. Andrew says:

    Tony Gilroy is a solid pick to direct. If I had my way, though, this election would be Peter Greenaway through and through.

  4. Andrew says:

    The Berine, the Trump, the Cruz and her Clinton

  5. Adam says:

    Having just rewatched Trump’s victory speech, I’m going to advocate Martin Sheen for that role. They look identical in that video, to the extent that I would believe it if someone told me Sheen had secretly replaced Trump.

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