Category: reviews


Asteroid City: Outer West, by Scott Nye

“No hay banda!” the master of ceremonies memorably declares in David Lynch’s Mulholland Dr. “There is no band!” What he is referring to directly, and Lynch somewhat more obliquely, is that everything we are seeing is an illusion. The concert...


Blue Jean: Emerging, by Scott Nye

Right from the start, we see Jean (Rosy McEwen) in a state of change – maybe it’s as simple as dying her hair, but given that this event is closely followed by news of Britain’s Section 28 laws, Jean’s life...


The Attachment Diaries: Bound, by Scott Nye

The Attachment Diaries begins simply and concludes chaotically, with an arrival and an escape. It’s only right we should start with the former. Carla (Jimena Anganuzzi) is introduced feet-first, her heels gradually falling apart in the rain before she risks...

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