Category: rita cannon


Good Riddance, by Rita Cannon

The first words we hear in Doug Hamilton’s documentary Broadway Idiot are are from Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong, as he solemnly intones, “There are people who like to do things the safe way, and that’s just never been part of...


This Better Life, by Rita Cannon

I understand why many people find Diablo Cody’s work irritating. The rapid-fire, hyper-quirky, reference-saturated dialogue she’s known for can get tiring. Her characters sometimes sound a little too similar to each other. And no, I can’t really account for any...


Transitions, by Rita Cannon

Thanks For Sharing is a mainstream, star-studded, mostly upbeat ensemble dramedy about sex addiction. So it’s perhaps not a huge surprise that it’s biggest problems have to do with setting and maintaining the right tone, and shifting gears from light...


Freda-Mania, by Rita Cannon

Ryan White’s documentary Good Ol’ Freda is one of the most relentlessly good-natured films I’ve ever seen in my life. A chronicle of the experiences of Freda Kelly, who served as the secretary to the Beatles from their days playing the Cavern...


Short Term, Long Form, by Rita Cannon

In 2008, Destin Daniel Cretton made a short film called Short Term 12. Its tagline was, “A film about kids. And the grown-ups who hit them.” Cretton has now expanded Short Term 12 into a full-length feature that confronts the...


Movie Most Common, by Rita Cannon

When it first went into production, the new Kristen Wiig vehicle Girl Most Likely was simply called Imogene, after its main character. Hollywood studios have an unfortunate habit of replacing perfectly fine movie titles with frustratingly bland ones – I’m still unreasonably bummed...


Scattershot, by Rita Cannon

Scatter My Ashes At Bergdorf’s is a documentary about a currently operating business, so it’s reasonable to expect that it’s basically going to be a feature-length commercial for the famous New York department store, and there isn’t necessarily anything wrong...


Half-Cocked, by Rita Cannon

Deborah Anderson’s documentary Aroused tries to be a few different things at once – an exposé of the porn industry, a character study of some its most successful actresses, and a documentation of an art project about those actresses. Unfortunately,...

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