Tagged: Lee J. Cobb


Scott’s Movie Journal #2

Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941) (rewatch; seen countless times, but it’s been awhile since I last sat down with it) What do you say for the movie that has everything? I came up in the last generation that had this...


Movie Meltdown: John Amplas on the Waterfront

This week we return to our coverage of WonderFest as we sit down with actor John Amplas and discuss this week’s Sofa Theater feature, On the Waterfront. John is not only an actor (and part of many of George Romero’s early productions including Martin, Dawn of the...


The L.A. Rep-port: 5/12 to 5/19, by Scott Nye

The Rep-port is a weekly(ish) series highlighting the best and most compelling repertory screenings in the city. On Saturday, The Silent Treatment at Cinefamily is showing my favorite silent Ozu film (and one I actually wrote about for this very...

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