What the Hell Are You Watching?!: Thor: Ragnorak with Jer Coons

Local musician and handsomely bearded gent Jer Coons joins the boys to discuss Marvel’s latest blockbuster, Thor: Ragnarok. They discuss the much needed comedy added to the film, the memorable new characters including Jeff Goldblum in all his glory, and how friggin’ great Hemsworth looks without a shirt.

SPOILERS AHEAD, my friends!

Also discussed were “Big Mouth”, Legally Blonde and a band called Dirt Wire, which actually sound pretty dope.

Check out Jer with his band Madaila at www.musicofmadaila.com and like their page on Facebook! Support local comedy by checking out Tim’s stand up shows at Light Club Lamp Shop and check out Northland when it premieres online Friday, 11/17 (also happy birthday that day to friend of the show David Metzger!).

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